I was afraid that crossing the Pampas from the Andes to Buenos Aires would be very boring. I was pleasantly surprised, because the bird life in the Pampas is fascinating. There are huge numbers of birds that you see along the main road. Most of the bird pictures on this page are from that part of my trip.
Nature pictures of Argentina and other bird pages are linked:
Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia, german: Kaninchenkauz, french: Chevêche des terriers) on the fence around CONAE. (172k) Western Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis ibis, german: Kuhreiher, french: Héron garde-bœufs) and White-faced Ibises (Plegadis chihi, german: Brillensichler, french: Ibis à face blanche) in the Pampas. (222k) White-faced Ibises (Plegadis chihi, german: Brillensichler, french: Ibis à face blanche) and Grey-headed Gulls (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus, german: Graukopfmöwe, french: Mouette à tête grise) in the Pampas. (376k) White-faced Ibises (Plegadis chihi, german: Brillensichler, french: Ibis à face blanche). (254k) Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus, german: Schopfkarakara, french: Caracara huppé). (148k) American Great Egret (Ardea alba egretta, german: Silberreiher, french: Grande Aigrette). (373k) Neotropic Cormorants (Nannopterum brasilianum, german: Olivenscharbe, french: Cormoran vigua) drying their wings. (234k) American Great Egret (Ardea alba egretta, german: Silberreiher, french: Grande Aigrette) in flight. (141k) Maguari Stork (Ciconia maguari, german: Maguaristorch, french: Cigogne maguari) in the Pampas. (270k) This Maguari Stork just caught himself a meal. (292k) Birds following a plow. (319k)