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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Reminder of ACRO website features

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Reminder of ACRO website features


Thread: [Acro] Reminder of ACRO website features

Message: [Acro] Reminder of ACRO website features

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: "Dr. Guenther Eichhorn" <gei at>

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 06:16:11 UTC




Here is a monthly reminder of some features on the ACRO website that I
maintain.  It is accessible at:


I have on-line information about aerobatics, contest schedules and
contest results.  The ACRO email list is archived on that site.  The
archive is accessible in the section "Communications".  The archive
can be searched.  The search form is available in the archive section
of the ACRO website.  The section "Communications" also has a link to a
page that allows you to sign up for the ACRO email list.  You can
include a link to the signup page from your chapters page. The URL is:


I have implemented a signup form that allows users to sign up with any
participating IAC chapter.  They can fill in their name, address, etc,
and the information is emailed to the chapter contact.  You can link
from your chapter page to this signup service.  The main page for this
service is


If your chapter is signed up with this service, you can link to a
chapter specific signup page via:


where 35 is the chapter number.  If you want to sign up your chapter
for this service, send me the chapter number, location, and the
contact email address that will receive the signup information.

In the section "Communications" there is also a list of people
interested in aerobatics with their contact information (email and
snail mail addresses).  This section also contains information on how
to subscribe and unscribe from the IAC email list.

To make contest registration easier, I maintain a system that allows
you to store your complete contest information on my server, indexed
by your IAC number.  This information can then be inserted in a
registration form for each contest that is on my list.  This allows
you to print out registration forms for each contest at the click of a
button.  This printout now also contains the Order of Flight Worksheet
and the Volunteer Sign-up Sheet, all filled out.

I have a large collection of aerobatics images on-line.  If you want
to add your favorite picture, please email it to me and I will add it.

I also have a list of aerobatic airplanes on-line.  If you have
information on any of these airplanes that is missing, or if you have
information about an airplane that is not in the list, please let me

There are many other pages with different aerobatics related
information on this site (eg. Frequently Asked Questions, descriptions
of selected aerobatics maneuvers, list of IAC Chapters, Known
sequences, FAA information about aviation events, etc).  If you have
any information that you think should be added, please let me know and
I will look into putting it on-line.

Guenther Eichhorn
Guenther Eichhorn              | gei at
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA
CPL,ASMELS,IA,Glider,CFI       | Pitts S-2A: N1GE
DC-3 type rating               | Flying is the Pitts


© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn