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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change


Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

Message: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Lisa Wegener <lwegener at>

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:01:44 UTC


  This is an important message from IAC Headquarters.

Good morning everyone.  Since the organization name change is being
discussed on Guenther's Acro Exploder, I would like to clarify the following
for all members.

At the Board of Directors meeting in Cincinnati in March, the IAC Board
voted to change the name of the club to the United States Aerobatic
Association doing business as Aerobatics USA.    The Board of Directors
meeting minutes do not state the fact that this name change will need to be
voted on by the members.  This information was not stated simply because we
were waiting to hear back from our legal advisor at the time the Board
minutes were published on the specific steps that would need to be taken to
make the name change official.  Our legal advisor informs us that the name
change will require the following:
1) An articles of incorporation change and bylaw change.
2) Bylaw change procedures require that a special meeting of the members to
decide the outcome of the name change as proposed by the IAC Board of
Directors must be held. A Notice of the special meeting of the members will
be published. Members will be given 90 days notice to attend such meeting
where their vote will be registered with respect to the name change or they
may choose to give their proxy to the President (or other person(s)
designated by the President).
3)  The name change will be adopted if approved by a majority vote of the
members present at that meeting in person or by proxy.

Over the next several months you will receive information from your Board
Director on the reasoning behind the proposed name change.  There are MANY
reasons to support this move, but the primary reason is the fact that the
IAC has absolutely no authority to sanction aerobatic activity outside the
U.S.A.  And other aerobatic organizations in countries outside the U.S. have
their own official bodies such as the Australian Aerobatics Club, the
Brazilian Aerobatic Association, Aerobatics Canada, France Voltige, Finnish
Sport Aerobatics Pilots Association, German Aerobatics, Aerobatics
Scandinavia, South African Sport Aerobatics Club, Swedish Aerobatic
Association, Swiss Aerobatics Association, British Aerobatic Association,
etc.  For a link to these organizations websites go to  

The Board of Directors does recognize that we do have members outside of the
United States and we value their membership in the organization.  Our
services to these individuals as Aerobatics USA will not change.  We will
still provide a network of aerobatic pilots to discuss issues with.  We will
still work cooperatively with their country's aerobatic association.  We
will still publish information on contest schedules outside of the U.S.  And
Sport Aerobatics magazine will still be available to members outside of the
United States.  These are the services we provide to date, and they will not
change.  The name change will simply clarify where our sanctioning authority
lies with the worldwide scheme of sport aerobatics. 

Please be assured that this decision by the IAC Board has not been taken
lightly, and in fact, has been discussed for several years.  We hope
everyone will pull together and agree as you hear more from your individual
Board Director in upcoming months.

As always, you may also call or e-mail me directly with any questions or


Lisa K. Wegener
Executive Director
International Aerobatic Club
920-426-6865 Fax
mailto:lwegener at

-----Original Message-----
From: Mal Beard [mailto:aeros at]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 8:15 PM
To: msteveson at; acro at
Subject: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

I just wonder what all of the other overseas non US members think of this
sudden change. Personally I was quiet happy with the original name

Happy Landings
Mal Beard
+61 (0) 418 624 624
aeros at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Steveson" <msteveson at>
To: <acro at>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 March 2002 10:50
Subject: [Acro] Organization Name Change

> As I was reading through the meeting minutes from the March 2 IAC BOD
> meeting I noticed that the name of the organization has been changed to
> United States Aerobatic Association dba Aerobatics USA.
> We are no longer the International Aerobatic Club.
> Thought you all might want to know.
> Michael Steveson,
> President Phoenix Aerobatic Club


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