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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change


Thread: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

Message: [Acro] Re: Organization Name Change

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Franko Allan <allan.franko at>

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 01:07:49 UTC



Aerobatics Canada may be nearly comatose, but it sanctions three or four contests a
year - exactly as many as local clubs are able to put on.  These sanctions provide
the following:  (i) insurance for everything not covered by competitors' insurance -
something IAC would have a difficult time arranging in Canada; (ii) a blueprint for
obtaining the necessary approvals from Transport Canada - something that would
benefit little from knowing how to deal with the FAA; and (iii) instructions to
follow the IAC rulebook

It's #3 that stimulates so much interest among Canadians in what goes on in the

I thought the Championship of the Americas was a great idea.  Never did hear a good
explanation for why it was discontinued.  Or any explanation, now that I think about

Allan Franko
Aerobatics Canada #143    IAC 7513
(Unhappily retired from competition by rule changes)

Don Peterson wrote:

> Andrew,
> And now for one of those posts that anonymous writers seem to not like.  Oh
> well.  Lisa may respond on her own, but this is a subject I'm interested in.
> First, a "sanction" is a sort of hollow thing.  It is blessed upon us by the FAI
> through CIVA and the NAA, etc.  It is not a legally binding thing, it is just a
> club's way of policing its sport, kind of the like the AMA, and the lawyer's
> Bar.  By keeping a grip on their members and the process via standardized
> regulations, they feel they can produce a better and more enduring activity.  I
> will not take sides in whether this is the result that is achieved, cuz I don't
> know.  Meanwhile, the FAI and CIVA annoint each country's aeroclubs to run
> things within their borders.  There is no precedence that I'm aware of for one
> country to run another's aviation sport activities via the sanctioning process,
> although there are no rules for or against having club chapters and other "IAC"
> activities within other countries.  In fact, an actual foreign "IAC" chapter
> could sponsor a contest within their country by receiving an official sanction
> from their aeroclub (or whoever is authorized to issue such a sanction by the
> FAI).  Personally, I don't see a conflict here.
> My interest is due to what you are referring to.  When one compares the acro
> activity within the US to what is going on in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina,
> Columbia (where acro is usually bullet-encouraged), etc, one might come to the
> conclusion that some international help and encouragement would be a good
> thing.  We floated the balloon a while back that the "Championships of the
> Americas" could become the vehicle for helping our neighbors create a more
> active acro community.  The board at the time killed the idea, and since then
> the COTA has been killed entirely.  The current view appears to be that the
> health of our own organization is of serious enough concern that nothing is left
> over for helping our neighbors.  Again, this may be an accurate assessment of
> our club's health or not.  Make your own call.
> The net is that the IAC at this time appears to be more interested in some sort
> of "acro-rally", or "grass-roots picnic day" than fostering a growing and
> healthy aerobatic competition activity throughout the Americas.  The board that
> you elected is certainly empowered to interpret the members' wishes and act on
> them to the best of their conscience.  Personally, I would prefer to see them
> focusing on the competition activity than other stuff, and to expand this effort
> to our neighboring countries.  You'll just have to trust me that a competition
> between nations is far more envigorating than one between chapter-buddies.
> Personally, I think the sanctioning issue could be easily solved and is not
> central to this move to rename the club.
> I have no direct input on this, but I suspect the drive to change the name could
> be coming from other nations who think our moniker is a bit over-reaching.  But
> that's just my suspicions.
> Hope this helps.
> Don P.


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