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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Acro angst, Sturm und Drang, the Trilat ...

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Acro angst, Sturm und Drang, the Trilat ...


Thread: [Acro] Acro angst, Sturm und Drang, the Trilat ...

Message: [Acro] Acro angst, Sturm und Drang, the Trilateral Commission, etc.

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: DSowder at

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:31:18 UTC


  Reinhardt's right. Lighten up. Get over it. Some of these thinkers of dark 
thoughts need a day job. One recent quote: "...I find myself increasingly 
more annoyed with the officially sanctioned club that is supposed to 
represent the best interests of those with the acro affliction." Ya got too 
much time on your hands. 

Gimme a break. I've been an EAA member for 30 years, IAC for probably 20, and 
active competitor for 10. I'm happy with EAA, IAC, AOPA, Cessna 180 Club, 
Chapter 67, you name it. They are bargains, considering their benefits to me. 
I like our Pres., I've enjoyed every contact I've had with BOD members, and I 
appreciate the time and personal sacrifice that they make to run this club. 
Likewise every contest official and every whizbang in every chapter that I've 
had the opportunity to visit, and that's quite a few. I even think most of 
the judges are fine folks, even those who don't adequately appreciate my 
stick and rudder genius.

I absolutely can't wait for contest season. I look forward to judging a 
friend now able to fly his 450 Stearman in Primary. I may be able to talk a 
couple of other ones into competing. I'm even wishing Franko would clear a 
tunnel through the ice in front of his hangar and show up for the Apple Cup 
in May. It's a pleasure to watch him fly, even if it's just a Pitts. 

I, like most, it seems, don't know for sure about any name change. I'll 
withhold judgement 'till I see the facts. I rarely agree with changing the 
name of anything, but does anyone else remember his or her Mom eating Ayds 
diet candy? Maybe your're all too damned young to even remember smooshing the 
red dye bubble around in those early plastic packages of abominable white 
margarine. Sorry, I'm starting to lose it....

Doug Sowder


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