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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Looking for Pitts/Engine parts

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Looking for Pitts/Engine parts


Thread: [Acro] Looking for Pitts/Engine parts

Message: [Acro] Looking for Pitts/Engine parts

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: "Paul B. Stambaugh" <pstambau at>

Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 18:31:25 UTC


  I am looking for (IO-360 C1C):

- Valve Ass'y, oil pressure, adj (yello taged) p/n
- Spinner ass'y (spinner, backing plate, etc.)for a  
Sensenich 76/70 prop

Any assistance will be greatly appreaciated

Paul Stambaugh - IAC Chapter 88
Pitts S1-S  N34RM "Psycho Therapy"
SkyTours Aerobatics - The Ultimate Aerobatic Experience
Ann Arbor, MI & Toledo, OH
Phone: Days, Office (810)-986-0389, Evenings (419) 269-0626
Cell:  248-705-8495

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