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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Contest Scoring Program

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [Acro] Re: Contest Scoring Program


Thread: [Acro] Re: Contest Scoring Program

Message: [Acro] Re: Contest Scoring Program

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)


Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 12:58:00 UTC


Perhaps some history would leaven this conversation.

This program (TBLP) has been created and modified over the years at virtually 
no cost to IAC.  Very early on we attempted to hire someone to program the 
software to accomplish our goals.  That didn't work.  Our then President, 
Mike Heuer spent countless hours attempting to do the same thing to assist in 
making the costs within reach.  The recently deceased Sheldon Klotz also 
spent many hours creating a program for IAC, again at no cost to IAC.  

Dr. Tarasof,  a Russian aeronautical engineer, produced the first of the 
number crunching systems at no cost to IAC.  Can you imagine the guts it took 
for a russian space scientest to create a program that would thwart the 
flagrant juding bias rampant in the USSR at world contests?  Remember the 
cold war?  

Dr. Bauer, a German mathematician, then improved the program, at no cost to 

Dr. Long, a US mathmetician, then added another round of modifications, at no 
cost to IAC.

Rudy Penteado, a Brazilian computer programmer and aerobatic competitor, then 
made the current version.  He has spent many long sessions improving the 
program.  He does not receive payment for his efforts from IAC.  However, the 
product does have value as intellectual property.  He therefore retains that 
value by offering the program to some countrys for modest cost and to IAC at 
no cost.

If someone were to reinvent the wheel by developing  something better AND 
give it to IAC I can imagine that it would be received and used.  However, I 
don't expect a long line of volunteers to scramble for that opportunity 
considering the magnitude of the task and the lack of appreciation for the 
efforts of those who have given so generously of their time and talents.

The forgoing is a summary of my recollections.  There may be errors in some 
minor details.  Mike Heuer is probably the only person that has the complete 
story.  In summary, IAC is a group of volunteers who provide saleable talents 
to IAC at no charge.  However, they reserve the right to sell such saleable 
items to others at market price.

Dick Rihn, Past Pres. IAC 
Attachement 1: part2.html


© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
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