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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: Kurt's fuel problems

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: Kurt's fuel problems


Thread: Kurt's fuel problems

Message: Re: Kurt's fuel problems

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Herman Dierks <dierks at>

Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 18:44:55 UTC


   Hey Kury, maybe you bung hole is pluged up :)

 If you are having fuel flow problems, you need to make sure
 the fuel vent to the tank is not pluged and is large enough.
 If you get a vacume in the tank, no fuel pump will be able
 to pull the fuel out of the tank. 

 In earlier notes you said it ran OK at full power for a while
 and then started cutting out.  If you don't get enough air
 into the tank then this might be a cause.

Herman Dierks, Dept. E54S, AWSD, Austin, Texas
mail:  dierks at       


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