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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: Vertigo

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: Vertigo


Thread: Vertigo

Message: Re: Vertigo

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Klein Gilhousen <kleing at>

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 19:26:11 UTC


  The April, 1997 issue of Flying Magazine has an article about a guy named
Mike Dale.  Dale learned to fly as a cadet in the RAF after WWII but
eventually left flying because of recurring bouts of airsickness.  After
laying off flying for  22 years, he got back into general aviation but
continued to have severe airsickness problems.  The article reports that,
"...1993, when Dale visited the specialist who had previously cured
astronaut Alan Shepard of his airsickness problem.  The diagnosis on Dale?
A genetic inner ear problem.  After a successful operation, Dale returned
to flying without a trace of queasiness.  'I can go up and do aerobatics
for hours at a time now,' he says."

Sounds interesting (for those with this problem.)

Klein Gilhousen
Bozeman, MT
Yak-55M N41126


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