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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC-L:967] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC-L:967] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...


Thread: [IAC-L:967] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...

Message: [IAC-L:967] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technologies, Inc.?

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Eric Matthews <ematt at>

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:06:28 UTC


 Jeremy - The August 97 issue of Private Pilot has a great article on the
Atlantis, which is also the most recent.  I've also seen reviews in
other magazines w/in the past year but can't name them.  Surely there's
a Sport Aviation article on it out there somewhere.

I'm also very interested in this plane as possibly my first aerobatic
mount and would love to hear comments from more "serious" aerobatic
pilots about it's handling as well as builders' opinions regarding
construction issues.  With a 1000 mile range, +/-15g stress tolerances,
and a lot of pre-fab construction, it sure seems to beat the RV-8 I used
to pine for.

Regards,  Eric

Eric Matthews - aspiring aerobat
ematt at
Arlington, Virginia


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