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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC-L:974] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC-L:974] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...


Thread: [IAC-L:974] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technolog ...

Message: [IAC-L:974] Re: Atlantis by Aircraft Technologies, Inc.?

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: Don Peterson <autotech at>

Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 00:56:20 UTC


 jcowgar at wrote:
> Has anyone looked into the Atlantis by Aircraft Technologies, Inc?<<<

There was an aircraft at the US Nationals last year or the one before 
(don't quite remember) which was called an "Atlantis".  It was painted 
red white and blue, and was a two seat side by side aircraft.

If this is the same aircraft you are referring to, it was generally 
regarded with some suspicion by the rest of the acro-community in 
attendance.  The elevator required spades to solve what appeared to be 
either poor geometry or very stiff control linkages.  As I recall, it 
flew in advanced, but did not do very well, and I seem to recall one 
flight being disqualified entirely for, shall we say, aberrant flying on 
the part of the entrant.

As I said, it may not be the same aircraft you are looking at.

Don Peterson
Midlothian, Tx.


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