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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC] Test post and judge's rating question.

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ACRO E-mail Archive Thread: [IAC] Test post and judge's rating question.


Thread: [IAC] Test post and judge's rating question.

Message: [IAC] Test post and judge's rating question.

Follow-Up To: ACRO Email list (for List Members only)

From: DSowder at

Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 06:33:12 UTC


  Well, after Guenther's post regarding the wrong address, I just had to post a
test message to see if I am still in communication.

There's another question that keeps entering my mind. As a judge, I often
wonder if I have any biases that unwittingly affect my judging. For instance,
I really like Taylorcrafts (but of course, no one around here is flying one).
I am not at all sure that any sort of sophisticated and formal judge's rating
system is needed, as has been discussed occasionally. It would be nice,
however, to receive a printout at the end of a contest showing, for each
category, a list of each judge's scores for each competitor. So for instance,
I'd receive a list for each Sportsman flight, showing simply each judge's
total score for each competitor. If Sportsman flies 3 flights, and I judge
them all, I get 3 lists. I could quickly scan this list and see if my scores
seem to be reasonably consistent with those of other judges on an
competitor-by-competitor basis. Or do I always score monoplanes too low
(except for the aforementioned Taylorcraft, if one should show up).

If I distinctly favored one particular competitor, or one type of aircraft,
I'd see it pretty quickly.

I know that this information is available if one is willing to hang around
the scoring room late enough and make enough copies, but it's usually Miller
Time by then. Seems to me that someone who knows the file format of the
scoring program's output could write a program to generate the lists that I
have in mind.

Any thoughts on this?

Doug Sowder


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